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Setup New Domain Name Server and Pointing your Domain Name to different Hosting Provider

How to change Domain Name Server  (Point to other Hosting Provider) ? Credit:  To the owner of this video. In this tutorial, you will learn how to change the domain nameservers, also known as  pointing  the domain to a new hosting provider. We will use Hostinger platform as an example but the steps can be applied to any domain/hosting provider, only the graphical interface and/or navigation should differ. In short, to change a domain’s nameservers, you will have to follow these steps: Step 1 — Get the New Nameserver Values Step 2 — Apply the New Nameservers Values Step 3 — Wait for DNS Propagation Before you begin this guide we assume that you already have: Access to the  control panel of your domain  (the place where you  purchased your domain ). Access to your  new hosting account . Step 1 — Get the New Nameserver Values The first thing you’ll need to do is to find out the list of name servers provided fo...

How to add Facebook like page on your website?

Add Facebook like page on your website. The Page plugin lets you easily embed and promote any public Facebook Page on your website. Just like on Facebook, your visitors can like and share the Page without leaving your site. You can use the Page plugin for any Page that is not restricted, for example, by country or age. Adding the Page Plugin to a Website The standard configuration of the Page plugin includes only the header and a cover photo. This size is ideal for promoting your Page in a small space, such as the top of a sidebar. Link : Credits: Facebook

How to Add Your WordPress Site to Google Webmaster Tools

What is a Google Webmaster Tools? Google’s Webmaster tools is a set of tools offered by Google to give publishers a look at how their website is seen by the search engine. It provides reports and data that can help you understand how different pages on your website are appearing in search results. It shows you the search queries where a page from your website appears in the results and how often it is clicked. This data can help you improve your older articles, write new content, and formulate a content strategy for your website. Google webmaster tools also allows you to submit XML sitemap of your website, exclude URLs, and help Google display the most important content of your website. It also notifies you if there is a problem with your site which is stopping Google from crawling and indexing your pages. Credit :

Increase 512MB Upload Limit for All-in-One WP Migration Plugin

IMPORTANT UPDATE (08/29/2018) For the instructions outlined in this tutorial to work, you must use version 6.77 or earlier of the All-in-one WP Migration Plugin. You need to use the old version of All-in-One WP Migration Plugin 6.77  here . There are 7 steps in this tutorial: 1. Activate Plugin 2. Open Plugin Editor 3. Select Plugin 4. Open Constants.php File 5. Edit Constants.php File 6. Save Changes 7. Test Settings 1. Activate Plugin Make sure that your All-in-One WP Migration plugin is activated. 2. Open Plugin Editor From your WordPress sidebar menu, click on  Editor  under the Plugins column. 3. Select Plugin In the upper right-hand corner of the Editor page, select the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. 4. Open constants.php File After selecting the All-in-One WP Migration plugin, select  constants.php  from the list of plugin files. 5. Edit constants.php File Scroll down to line 249 of the  con...

ProtonVPN on Linux

How to use ProtonVPN on Linux? You may Signup or Login your account on ProtonVPN  Link: You can set-up VPN for  Linux by  using the ‘openvpn’  package and with the appropriate  config files of the  ProtonVPN servers . As an example, the below Linux VPN setup guide shows how to configure a connection on Ubuntu 16.04LTS. We strongly recommend using our  Linux VPN command-line tool  which makes it easy to connect on Linux machines Note: To address frequent DNS leaks on Linux, we’ve updated this guide with new Linux specific config files and new instructions to connect via CLI (see option B below) Steps to setup VPN for Linux : 1. Install the necessary packages: Install the OpenVPN package by opening a terminal (press Ctrl + Alt + T) and entering: sudo apt-get install openvpn It will prompt you for your password to allow installation, enter it to proceed When it prompt...

Updating PHP Version in XAMPP for Windows

XAMPP  is a great suite to quickly get up and running with Apache, PHP, Perl and MySQL.  Warning !  It is not aimed to be used in a production environment! Its settings are geared towards ease of use rather then security! However I went against my own advice and used it in a couple of instances, however these are not public facing sites, rather internal and heavily firewalled services. Even so whenever a security update to PHP comes out, I feel the need to use the new version. Here is how you can do it, without waiting for the official XAMPP package to update (you really can't criticize them for not updating faster, since it is a  development  not a production server and as such minor PHP releases shouldn't influence your code). Warning!  Use these instructions on your own risk. They are written to the best of my knowledge, however I can't make any guarantees. Always backup your data. Download the latest binary version of PHP (make sure to get th...

Reset the MySQL/MariaDB Root Password Ubuntu

By default, the MySQL/MariaDB installation that ships with XAMPP has an empty root password. This is a serious security risk, especially if you plan to use XAMPP in production scenarios. To change the MySQL/MariaDB root password, follow these steps: Ensure that the MySQL/MariaDB server is running. Open a new Linux terminal. Use the  mysqladmin  command-line utility to alter the MySQL/MariaDB password, using the following syntax: mysqladmin --user=root password "newpassword" The  mysqladmin  command-line utility is located within the  bin/  subdirectory of the XAMPP installation directory, typically  /opt/lampp . For example, to change the MySQL/MariaDB root password from its default empty value to the password  gue55me , you would execute: /opt/lampp/bin/mysqladmin --user=root password "gue55me" Or, if a password has already been previously set and you’d like to change it to a new one, you can use the foll...